Unlike Anything Anywhere
Our Vision for Student Life

Students thrive in a one-of-a-kind, vibrantly Catholic culture where they are formed, through lives of charity and ongoing conversion, to lead and to evangelize each other and the world.

Living Your Faith

Based on the life of Christ, Student Life at Franciscan University is an integral part of how Franciscan forms you to be the child of God you were made to be.

Living on Campus

Life on Campus at Franciscan University provides your home away from home. Friends for life, activities and services that keep you on track, and so much more.

Leading and Serving

The world needs good leaders, and good leaders are good at serving others. Student Life at Franciscan University gives you opportunities to grow as a leader, and as one prepared to serve others.

Living Well

Your physical and mental wellness is an integral part of becoming whom God has called you to be. We provide dedicated professionals to help, plus opportunities to stay fit on your own or with friends.


Groups of students of the same sex who commit to help each other, hold each other accountable, pursue a common charism and prayer life.

Baron Athletics

NCAA D-III athletics mean our men's and women's teams compete against the best, while learning about virtue and team work.

The Mission of Student Life
  1. Promote the moral, spiritual, and religious values of our students and the integration of Christian faith and right reason into their daily lives.
  2. Support students in their primary academic vocation by encouraging and fostering intellectual development and progress towards their degree.
  3. Foster the development of friendships and community life as essential aspects of personal development.
  4. Develop leaders who will engage society through humble service and evangelization.
  5. Promote and support physical and mental wellness as essential components of the human person’s well-being.
  6. Assist students with discerning their unique calling from God and living out that calling.
  7. Support student development by supporting the work of other University departments and helping them to fulfill their roles in serving the University and its students.
2024-25 University Theme
``The community of believers was of one heart and mind.``

 Acts 4:32a

Peace and Blessings!

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options that we have to choose from every day? Whether we’re deciding which movie to watch from the over 3,000 that Netflix offers or stressed out with the overabundance of choices presented by those Coke ‘Freestyle’ soda dispensers, we’ve got lots of options.

Yet amidst all these choices, despite the variety and the constant availability, we recognize their inability to satisfy our hearts. No amount of media intake can calm our restlessness, and not even a Happy Meal can live up to its name.

In the 6th chapter of John’s Gospel, immediately after feeding thousands with the multiplication of loaves and fish, Jesus shocks the crowd with the following claim:

“The community of believers was of one heart and mind.” – Acts 4:32a

As Catholics, we hear often about the clear Eucharistic teaching found in this passage. On a fundamental level, I think it’s also important for us to consider the following questions:

1.  Where do I currently bring my hunger and thirst? (I mean spiritually, not in terms of favorite fast food restaurants)
2.  What would it look like for me to bring my deepest desires, my greatest longings, to Jesus?

I’m convinced that the answers to these two questions will shape the course of our lives. Our prayer for you this academic year is that you come to find the satisfaction that only Jesus can offer. In the past few months, we’ve identified Franciscan’s core values of encounter, conversion, and community. I am convinced that when we truly encounter the Lord, conversion becomes less of a chore and more of a natural response to the love we have experienced. Here at Franciscan, the community of faculty, staff, and religious are here to help accompany you and point you closer to the One who satisfies our deepest hunger and longings.

Know of my prayers for you.


Father Dave Pivonka, TOR
Franciscan University of Steubenville

New Student Orientation

A great first year at Franciscan begins with a great start at Orientation. Our Residence Life staff, move-in teams, and Orientation staff will make your first days at Franciscan some of the most memorable and easy days of your life.